Why is AdSense delaying payments in November 2018?

Why is AdSense delaying payments in November 2018.

If you are an AdSense publisher you surely have the experience that Google pays, always, and on the right day. In recent years, AdSense payments occurred between the 21st and 22nd of each month, on those specific days AdSense sent payments to publishers and you only had to wait for the time it took for the bank in question to make the transfer and show the amount of money in your account.


However, many publishers are worried and some of them are even nervous because they see how the days go by and they still haven't received their payment for this month. What is going on?

On a personal level I even remember that many years ago AdSense paid monthly days later than it does now, near the end of the month, and then came to happen just the opposite of what is happening this month of November 2018. I remember Christmas where days before Christmas Eve, well before the day stipulated by Google to make payments, you already had the money in your account, anticipating so that people had money in their pockets for their Christmas shopping. Quite a Christmas detail.

However, lately Google seems to be in the opposite line, when the 21st of the month in question coincides with a holiday, then it delays the payment a few days, and does nothing to anticipate, a detail that would generate sympathy and little displeasure as many are suffering this month.

Most of those who complain can see how in their AdSense account a pending payment appears on November 21:, but days have passed and the payment has not been made.

Some began to assume that the cause of the delay in payment was the holidays in the US. Coincidentally, November 22, 2018 has coincided with the famous ?Thanksgiving Day? which is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.

However, two things happen. One is that the payment is normally sent on the 21st, one day before the holiday of Thanksgiving. The second is that on Friday, the 23rd, the payments were also not made.

Many then moved on to the next phase: thinking that if payment has not been made by Friday the 23rd, it will be necessary to wait until the 26th, the following Monday.

However, on the 26th it has turned out that the payments have not been made either. So what's going on? Something else is going on with Google.

Most intriguing of all is that no one knows what it is, because Google has not deigned to publicly mention anything that might shed light on the issue and find out what exactly is going on.

It has not warned publishers about this month's delay, something it could have done publicly or by e-mail before the 21st, and thus leave people alone. Which leads to think that this is something that Google cannot control, nor could it foresee then that the delay was going to be so long.

However, it did make a public announcement on the 26th, indicating that payments are not yet close to being made:

As of November 22nd, you may experience a delay with your AdSense payment for the month of October. This affects some creators who are part of the YouTube program. We are aware of this issue and are working to resolve it. Please check back for updates on the progress of the solution.


We also know what AdSense tells us on its official website about payments: ?a payment will be issued to you between the 21st and 26th of the month? (https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/7164703?hl=es). Well Google, it's already the 26th and you are entering out of time.

Another point that may give us some clues is that all the AdSense users complaining seem to be located outside the US, located in Europe, Asia, Oceania and other parts of the Americas.

Some users indicate that they have managed to contact Google/AdSense and have been told that there is some kind of problem, probably technical, but without specifying which one:

We have detected a delay in November payments and are working hard to send your payment as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience while we work to resolve the issue.


Incident" is a very generic word, but it seems to indicate that it is something outside of Google's control.

What is known at the moment is this: for the first time in the history of AdSense, Google seems to have some kind of technical problem, perhaps some kind of hack or who knows what, that prevents it from being able to pay its publishers on time, and with a delay that already exceeds its established limit to make the payment between the 21st and 26th of each month.

It is not known when the problem will be solved, nor when publishers will receive their money. Presumably it would happen during the week of Monday, November 26, but there is no guarantee that this will happen, nor any clue from Google.

We will continue to update this post as new developments occur but, taking into account the latest warnings from Google on the 26th, the deadline for making AdSense payments, it is possible that the problem will not be solved in a short period of time.

EDIT 27-November 9:00 AM (Spanish time): Some webmasters who complained are reporting that they have received the email from AdSense informing that the payment has been issued, but not many, it is not yet known if it is something generalized and the problem will be solved today 27th for all or only for a few lucky ones.

Resultado de imagen para adsense

EDITSome publishers are reporting that they have received the money in their accounts, but did not receive the traditional confirmation e-mail. If you did not receive the e-mail, you can still check if you have already received the payment at the bank.

EDIT: At the moment, more and more people seem to be receiving money or confirmation e-mails.

Let's remember here that Google has not yet made a statement. We do not know if it was a bug/hack or if Google has now simply relaxed its payment system so that it is made as late as possible.

Let's be alert during the month of Decemberbecause it can also be problematic. The 21st (the day on which Google started sending payments) also falls on Friday. If, as in November, AdSense does not start paying during that day, or at least not to all users, the next payment day would be Monday 24th (Christmas Eve) and Tuesday 25th is Christmas Day. So it is possible that during the month of December many will find themselves with delays in payment until the 26th or 27th.

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