speed up PC startup and shutdown in Windows 10

Speed up PC startup and shutdown in Windows 10.

Windows 10 has a fast startup feature that reduces start-up time and works similar to the way hibernation mode does. This feature preloads the Windows kernel and drivers before the computer shuts down.

Accelerate Windows 10 startup is possible using some of the system's own tools. Other third-party applications, some for a fee, promise to speed up performance but few have any real effect.

We are talking about speed up Windows 10 startup always within certain parameters. No miracles are possible if we do not have a minimum hardware level. Having said that, let's review the management of some tools and system components, which in addition to speeding up startup allows us to improve overall performance.


1 ? Disable background applications.
These applications, being in the background, can be accessed faster, but they are also a waste of unnecessary resources for the system if we do not use them.
Go to:
? Settings - Privacy - Background applications.
We will deactivate those we do not use.

2 ?Activate the Windows "Quick Launch".
Windows has a function to reduce the boot time of our system.
Go to:
? Search bar - Power options - Choose the action of the Start/Shutdown button - Change the currently unavailable settings - Enable Quick Start (recommended) - Save changes.

3 ?Modify the configuration to make the system start faster.
We will disable Windows services, activate selective startup, etc...)
Go to:
? Run
Command to enter: msconfig
In the General menu, select "Selective startup".
In the Startup menu, check the option "No GUI startup"; and in timeout we set it to 15.
In the Services menu, we uncheck those that we do not want to be executed, and then we click on Apply and OK. Finally, click on "Exit without restarting".

4 ?Disable unnecessary programs that start with Windows.
These generally run in the background, consuming a large amount of resources.
Go to:
? Task Manager - Select the one we do not want and click on Disable.
(If you do not see the processes, you should click on "More Details" when you open the task manager).

5 ?Disable Windows hints.
If we do not care about those suggestions, we can deactivate them so that they do not appear.
Go to:
? Settings - System - Notifications and actions - Disable the option "Show me Windows suggestions".

6 ? Remove desktop icons.
At system startup, all shortcuts or files that are on the desktop must load, so moving them elsewhere will make startup faster and cleaner.

7 ?Reduce the time in which each process closes.
When we are going to shut down the computer, a signal is sent to all running processes and applications to stop. By doing this, we will reduce that time.
Go to:
? Run
Command to enter: regedit
HKey_Local_Machine - System - CurrentControlSet - Control.
We go to the right and if we do not have the registry entry, we create it (Right click - New - DWORD or QWORD value (depending on the type of system you have).
Name to enter: WaitToKillServiceTimeout
Amount to be paid: 5000

8 Lower the visual configuration.
We will increase the performance of the CPU (processor) and GPU (graphics), lowering everything related to the appearance of the system.
Go to:
? Computer (right click and then click on "Properties") - Advanced System Settings - In the Advanced Options menu, we click on the Performance part of the Settings.
Then we check the option "Adjust for best performance", then click on Apply and OK.

9 ?Accelerate system startup.
Make applications load faster at Windows startup.
Go to:
? Run
Command to enter: regedit
Hkey_Current_User - Software - Microsoft - Windows - CurrentVersion - Explorer - Serialize (if you don't find "Serialize", you must create it as indicated in the video).
On the right hand side, we create the following registry entry (DWORD or QWORD, as appropriate).
Name to enter: StartupDelayInMSec
Value to enter: 0

10 ? Create icon to shutdown the system by double-clicking it.
Go to:
? Desktop - Right click on New - Shortcut - Enter in case you want the following:
To turn off:
shutdown -s -t 0

To restart:
shutdown -r -t 0

To log out:
shutdown -l -t 0

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