The best Linux distributions for 2018

Linux distributions

The best Linux distributions for 2018

Best distribution light

Linux distros 2018

It's a new year and the landscape of possibility is limitless for Linux.
While 2017 brought some major changes to a number of distributions from LinuxI believe 2018 will bring serious stability and market share growth for both server and desktop.


For those who might be looking to migrate to the open source platform (or those looking to switch).
what are the best options for the coming year? If you head over to Distrowatch, you'll find a dizzying.
Variety of possibilities, some of which are on the rise, and others that are seeing the opposite effect.


So what Linux distributions 2018 favor? I have my thoughts. In fact, I'm going to share them with you now.


Similar to what I did for last year's list, I'm going to make this task easier and break down the list, as follows: sysadmin, lightweight distribution.
Desktop, distro with more to test, batch and server. You are at categories should cover the needs from any type from user from Linux.


With that said, let's get to the list of the best Linux distributions for 2018.


Best distribution for system administrators
Debian is not often seen in "Best of" lists. 
You should visit be it. If you consider that Debian is the basis for Ubuntu (which is, in turn, the basis for so many distributions), it is quite easy to understand.
Why this distribution should find its way into many a list. but why for administrators? Lo he considered by two reasons very important:


Facility from use


Stability extreme


Dado that Debian use the administrators from packages from dpkg y apt, ago that is a environment unbelievably easy from use. 
And because Debian offers one of the most stable Linux platforms, it creates an ideal environment for so many things: desktops, servers, testing, development. 
Although Debian you can no include the plethora from applications found at the last years winner (for this category), Parrot Linux, is very easy add any/all the applications required that you need for make the work. 
And since Debian can be installed with your choice of desktop (cinnamon, GNOME, KDE, LXDE, matte or Xfce), you can be sure that the interface will meet your needs.
At this moment, Debian see at #2 at Distrowatch. Download it, install it, and then make it serve a specific purpose. It may not be flashy, but Debian is a sysadmin dream come true.
Best distribution light
The distribution light serves a purpose very specific: give new life a the machines oldest y from minor power. 
But that doesn't mean that these particular distributions should only be considered for your older hardware.
If speed is your ultimate need, you may want to see how fast this distribution category will run on your modern machine.
Topping the list of lightweight distributions for 2018 is Lubuntu.
While there are plenty of options in this category, few even come close to the next-to-zero learning curve found in this distribution.
And while Lubuntu's footprint is not as small as Puppy Linux, thanks to being a member of the Ubuntu family, the ease of use gained with this distribution makes up for it.
But fear not, Lubuntu won't drop your old hardware. The requirements are:
CPU: Pentium 4 o Pentium M o AMD K8
For applications premises, Lubuntu you can operate with 512 MB from RAM. For use online (YouTube, Google +, Google Drive, y Facebook), to recommends 1GB from RAM.
Lubuntu ago use from desk LXDE (Figure 2), what means that the users new at Linux no will have the more minimum problem working with this distribution.
The list cut from applications including (like AbiWord, Gnumeric, y Firefox) are all lightning fast y easy from use.
Lubntu you can make the work short y easy from the life from breathing at the hardware that is to ten years.
Best distribution from desk
By second year consecutive, the operating system elemental leads my list from the best distribution from desk. 
For many, the leader at the desk is Linux Mint(that is a flavor very fine).
 However, by my money, is difficult defeat the facility from use y stability from operating system elemental.
 Case in point, I was sure that the Ubuntu 17.10 version would have migrated me back to Canonical's distribution.
Very soon after migrating to the new GNOME-friendly Ubuntu, I found myself losing the look, feel and reliability of the elementary operating system.  Then from two weeks with Ubuntu, I am back at operating system elemental.
Elementary OS
Any person that has given the operating system elemental a go to immediately feels as in house. The Pantheon desk is a perfect combination of slickness and ease of use. 
Y with each update, only improvement.
Although the elementary OS is at #6 in the ranking on the DistroWatch page, I predict it will find itself climbing at least third place by the end of 2018.
Elementary developers are very in tune with what users want.
They listen and evolve. However, the state current from this distribution is so well, it looks like that all what could make for improve is a little from Polish here y there. 
Anyone looking for a desktop that offers a unified look and feel across the UI, elementary os is tough to beat.
 Yes you need a desk that offer a excellent relationship from reliability y facility from use, the operating system elemental is your distribution.
Best distro for those with something that try
For a long time Gentoo sat on top of the "Show us your skills" mailing list.
 However, I believe that is time that Gentoo took a back seat at real leader from "something that try": Linux from zero. 
You no you canthink that this fair, like LFS is not in fact a distribution, but a project that helps the users a create your own distribution from Linux. 
But, seriously, yesyou want visit a length way for try your knowledge from Linux, what best way that create your own distribution?
 From the project LFS, to you can build a system Linux customized, from the base..totally from the code source. Thus that, yes really you have something that try, download the Linux from the book Scratch y begins a build.
Best distribution for many
By second year consecutive, Ubuntu Core win, hands below. 
Ubuntu Core is a small, transactional version of Ubuntu, built specifically for embedded and many devices.
What makes Ubuntu Core so perfect for many is that it places the focus on Snap packages ? universal packages that can be installed on a platform, without interfering with the base system.
These Snap packages contain everything they need to run (including dependencies), so there is no concern that the installation will break the operating system (or any other installed software).
In addition, snaps are very easy to upgrade and run in an isolated sandbox, making them a great solution for many.
Another area of security built into Ubuntu Core is the login mechanism. Ubuntu Core works with Ubuntu One SSH keys, so the only way to log into the system is through SSH keys uploaded to an Ubuntu One account.
This increases the security of your devices in many ways.

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