Can You Make a Living in FOREX TRAIDING?

Can You Make a Living in FOREX TRAIDING?
The short answer is: yes, you can earn the life in forex trading But: Consistent gains are not easy to achieve. The 60% of the operators from currencies lose money, and this is a conservative estimate. As they say: "The best way to end up with $ 1000 in forex is to start with $ 2000".
However, this does not mean it is impossible. You simply have to learn what you need to do to become a consistently profitable trader, and then do it. Easier said than done, I know.
But, I am living proof that you can make a living trading the Forex market, and I personally know other people who make steady money in the markets. So, it can be done.
Ultimately, my story has led me down the path of helping other traders, so let me give you some valuable information on what it takes to be able to trade Forex for a living ...
The first thing you need if you want to make a living trading the market Forex is sufficient start-up capital; if you do not have sufficient funds, you will have to accept that you will not be making a living from Forex trading in the short term.
The exact amount of available cash you will need for full-time transactions will be different for each individual.
But, generally speaking, if you plan to effectively manage your risk on each trade, you will need a decent amount of money at your disposal in order to trade a large enough position to make enough money to support yourself while not risking too much of your account on any one trade.

Trading the Forex market for a living depends not only on having sufficient funds and trading on the daily charts. These two components are important, but there are also many other things you must do. Including the following:
? Learn and master a truly effective foreign exchange trading strategy such as price action.
? After learning and mastering an effective trading strategy, design a tangible, "working" Forex trading plan around it. Refer to this trading plan every day and adjust or update it as you learn and grow as a trader.
? Record your trades in a trading journal and start creating a track record. This is important to keep you accountable and help you maintain discipline.
? Identify a logical and tolerable amount of risk for each trade you make, never risk more than you are comfortable losing in a single trade. Practice proper money management in Forex.
? Don't overtrade. Doing everything discussed in this article will help you not to overtrade. But you really need to be aware of this big trading mistake. Most Forex traders trade too much and, in my opinion, this is the number one reason why most do not make a living in the market.
If you have adequate funding, have mastered the daily charts, are consistently and flawlessly executing your edge, are following your trading plan, are recording your trades, and are not overtrading or taking too much advantage, you have a very good chance of eventually making A Market Life.
The trick is that you must do ALL of these things well. You can't just do one, you have to be on top of your game all the time to make a living as a trader; It's not easy or get rich quick.
Learning how to trade with a successful trader can help you reach your goals faster.
Just like any other profession or skill in life is easier to learn from a mentor, learning to trade in Forex with a skilled trade mentor is the most efficient and effective way to achieve your trade objectives.
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