With these 10 plugins you can improve your WordPress site

With these 10 plugins you can improve your WordPress site, speed, optimization and positioning.

Table of Contents
  1. 1. Yoast SEO
  2. 2. Jetpack
  3. Google Analytics
  4. 4. WooCommerce
  5. 5. Broken Link Checker
  6. 6. Two Factor Authentication
  7. 7. WordFence
  8. WordPress Calls to Action
  9. 9. Lazy Load
  10. 10. UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup

WordPress is one of the most popular website creation platforms in the world. However, some of its features can be enhanced or complemented by using plugins.

Plugins, in general, are small programs that are installed in another application or larger system to add functionality to it. In the case of WordPress, these can be related to performance, interaction with social networks, security, traffic measurement?

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There are hundreds, thousands of plugins. However, that doesn't mean you should install them all. It is better to choose the ones that bring the most benefits to the purpose of your website. Among other things, because if you install too many of them, you can slow down your site.

Some plugins are free; for others, you must pay; a few others offer you basic functionality at no cost, but charge you for the more complete versions. On the WordPress site you will find a large number of alternatives. Just make sure that the plugin you select is compatible with the version of the platform you have installed.

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If you already have your site with a .co domain, we recommend 10 plugins that you must have, yes or yes, in your WordPress installation:

1. Yoast SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the "magic wand" that allows Internet search engines to find your website, thanks to the use of keywords and other resources. Yoast tells you which of these tools to useIt also gives you tips on how to make your texts more readable by humans, not only by search engines. It also gives you tips on how to make your texts more readable by humans, not just search engines.

2. Jetpack

This plugin offers you a variety of tools to improve your site in terms of marketing, performance, security, backups, and more. As it is an "all-in-one", it is possible that other specialized plugins may offer you better functionalities in specific tasks.

Google Analytics

There are different plugins that connect your website with Google Analytics so you can make more accurate measurements of your traffic and audiences. On the WordPress site you can find different options, among which the following plugins stand out MonsterInsigts and of ExactMetrics.

4. WooCommerce

WooCommerce is a plugin specialized in e-commerce, ideal if the objective of your website is online sales. It offers tools to manage reservations, memberships, recurring subscriptions, payments, shipments?

This plugin crawls all the links of your site and alerts you if any of them are broken, so you can fix or delete them. This way, your visitors won't find links to non-existent destinations or error messages.

6. Two Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication is one of the most widely used mechanisms today to verify a user's identity on different services. There are a variety of plugins to add this layer of security to your WordPress installation, such as Google Authenticator y Two Factor Authentication.

7. WordFence

Allows you to add firewall and malware scanner security in your WordPress installation.

WordPress Calls to Action

Calls to action allow you to convert passive visitors to your website into active users. For example, by inviting them to subscribe to your mailing lists and other services. This plugin allows you to install and manage the necessary tools to achieve this.

9. Lazy Load

On the WordPress website there are several plugins that make downloading your website faster and more effective. For example, they make images not download until you scroll to them. In this link you can find several alternatives.

10. UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup

If your hosting provider does not allow you to make backups, this plugin allows you to to services such as Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3 and even by email, among other alternatives.

The bonus: in addition to these suggestions, you can find plugins such as Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (generates links at the end of your posts so that users do not leave your site), Cookie Law Info (displays information related to cookies established by the legislation of some countries), Ninja Tables (allows you to create tables easily) and Editorial Calendar (to create a schedule of your publications).

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